Научный консультант:
Конторович Владимир Алексеевич
Тема номера:
Освоение газовых месторождений России
Применение многозабойного бурения, опыт и перспективы. Технология строительства многозабойных скважин бурами малого диаметра
Ваньков Г.Н., Урумян А.А., АО «Газпром промгаз»,
Дегтярь А.М., МГИМО
УДК 622.24.085.24
Ключевые слова: Fishbone, многозабойные скважины, буры малого диаметра, увеличение продуктивности многозабойных скважин, строительство боковых стволов
В настоящей статье рассмотрена технология бурения многозабойных скважин (Fishbone) с использованием буров малого диаметра. Технология разработана и применяется в Норвегии последние 10–15 лет.
Технология бурения многозабойных скважин, рассмотренная в статье, значительно отличается от применяемой на территорий РФ и КНР. Вместо последовательного бурения ряда боковых стволов за счет метода боковых срезок применяют компоновки, содержащие десятки, а иногда и сотни интегрированных буров малого диаметра.
Фактический прирост добычи в скважинах месторождения Эдвард Григ в Северном море составил до около 900 % (в 10 раз).
В статье рассмотрен экологический аспект применения технологии бурения многозабойных скважин.
Оптимальное размещение скважин для закачки диоксида углерода в геологические структуры
Ермолаев А.И., РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина,
Мирсаяпов Б.Н., ООО «Газпром добыча Тамбей»
УДК 622.276
Ключевые слова: диоксид углерода, дискретное программирование, закачка, критерии оптимальности, модель, размещение, скважины, хранение
Интенсификация притока нефти в скважину с применением поверхностно-активных систем
Игнатьев И.Н., Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, ООО «Промышленная химия», Казань, Россия
УДК 622.245.78
Ключевые слова: интенсификация, скважина, нефть, ПАВ, вода
Восстановление физико-химических показателей растворов гликолей, применяемых при осушке природного газа
Дегтярёв С.П., Кудияров Г.С., Миронюк Л.М., Моисеев В.В., Сафин Р.А., Тормышев И.В., ООО «Газпром добыча Ямбург»
УДК 622.279
Ключевые слова: абсорбционная осушка природного газа, гликоль, десорбция, оборудование нагрева, вакуумная регенерация, вакуумная дистилляция
Научная новизна статьи заключается в обосновании возможности восстановления физико-химических показателей раствора гликоля методом вакуумной дистилляции в промысловых условиях.
Результатами исследования являются разработка технологической схемы вакуумной дистилляции диэтиленгликоля на существующем технологическом оборудовании газового промысла. Также в статье на основании производственного эксперимента даны рекомендации по оптимальной степени насыщения диэтиленгликоля для поддержания приемлемого режима работы установки.
Состояние и перспективы развития добычи и подготовки жидких углеводородов газоконденсатных залежей месторождений Уренгойского комплекса
Дмитриев М.Г., Попов Д.А., Кот С.Ю., Иванов Н.В., Игнатова Д.В., ООО «Газпром добыча Уренгой»,
Ковалёв А.А., ООО «Газпром добыча Ноябрьск»
УДК 622.279
Ключевые слова: Уренгойское нефтегазоконденсатное месторождение (УНГКМ), жидкие углеводороды, ачимовский конденсат, валанжинский конденсат, конденсатосодержание пластового флюида, компонентно-фракционный состав конденсата, подготовка газового конденсата
По результатам исследования определено, что количество продукции с тяжелыми фракциями (керосин и дизельное топливо) существенно сокращается. Обеспечить решение проблемы дефицита тяжелых фракций в составе газового конденсата возможно путем ввода в эксплуатацию новых объектов.
Варианты приема углеводородного сырья на газоконденсатные промыслы с фонда нефтяных скважин, переведенных на добычу продукции из газоконденсатных залежей Уренгойского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения
Курдюмов С.С., Гимпу В.С., Филиппов А.Н., Козлов А.М., Газиев Р.И., Ахметов А.Ф., Кушнир И.И., ООО «Газпром добыча Уренгой»,
Брагин В.В., ПАО «Газпром»
УДК 622.279.4
Ключевые слова: углеводороды, газ деэтанизации, сбор газа, транспортировка, установка низкотемпературной сепарации
Методы повышения эффективности эксплуатации самозадавливающихся газовых скважин Ямбургского месторождения в условиях аномально низких пластовых давлений
Петренко Н.Н., Гаджиалиев А.А., Дегтярёв С.П., Хамидуллин И.Р., ООО «Газпром добыча Ямбург»,
Партилов М.М., ООО «Газпром добыча Оренбург»
УДК 622.279.6
Ключевые слова: жидкое поверхностно-активное вещество, самозадавливающаяся газовая скважина, низконапорный газ, падающая добыча, концентрическая лифтовая колонна, модульная компрессорная установка
Моделирование процессов коррозионно-эрозионного износа трубопроводов транспорта газожидкостных потоков. Проточные установки с подачей струи на образец
Голубев И.А., Шапошников Н.О., Лаптев А.Б., Крук П.Е., Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого,
Попков А.С., Игошин Р.В., ПАО «Газпром»
УДК 620.66.042
Ключевые слова: коррозионно-эрозионный износ, циркуляционные установки, процессы коррозии и эрозии, многофакторные испытания, конструкции стендовых установок, контроль деградации материала
Оптимизация технологических решений по установке очистки газа на линейных компрессорных станциях
Адаменко С.В., ООО «Газпром трансгаз Ухта»,
Никитин В.Г., ООО «Газпром трансгаз Нижний Новгород»,
Пахтелев К.В., Репин Д.Г., ООО «Газпром проектирование», НГТУ им. Р.Е. Алексеева,
Савченков С.В., ООО «Газпром проектирование»
УДК 622.279.8
Ключевые слова: линейная компрессорная станция, установка очистки газа, повышение энергоэффективности, оптимизация затрат, альтернативные схемы
Проектирование систем диагностики состояния трубопроводной обвязки компрессорных станций
Васенин А.Б., Степанов С.Е., ООО «Газпром проектирование»,
Крюков О.В., Подшивалов Е.С., Ипполитов В.А., ООО «ТСН-электро»
УДК 622.629.4.053
Ключевые слова: система мониторинга, эксплуатационные факторы, газопровод, технологическая обвязка, компрессорная станция, периодический контроль
Анализ и пути увеличения производительности скважин управления подземного хранилища газа
Верисокин А.Е., Гунькина Т.А., Бекетов С.Б., Шестерикова Р.Е., Федоренко В.В., Калашников Д.С., ФГАОУ ВО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет»; Толпаев В.А., ООО «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ»
УДК 622.691.24
Ключевые слова: обоснование выделения эксплуатационных объектов; геолого-физические характеристики пластов, анализ результатов исследований скважин и пластов, анализ текущего состояния ПХГ, анализ фонда скважин и показателей их эксплуатации, анализ эффективности применяемых геолого-технических мероприятий, сопоставление проектных и фактических показателей эксплуатации ПХГ
Монетизация трубопроводного газа в Российской Федерации
Гайворонский А.И., Сухарев М.Г., Тверской И.В., АО «Газпром промгаз»
УДК 622.691.4.054
Ключевые слова: природный газ, монетизация природного газа, газохимия, СПГ, трубопроводный газ, экспертно-статистическая оценка, критерии выбора, матрица вариантов, ранжирование решений, проектные риски
Деловые игры при реализации образовательных программ по направлению подготовки «Нефтегазовое дело»
Котлярова Е.М., РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина
УДК 377.622
Ключевые слова: деловая игра (ДИ), компетентностный подход, часы самостоятельной работы, интерактивные технологии, месторождение природного газа, режим эксплуатации, газовый промысел, система сбора и подготовки скважинной продукции, критерии технологического режима, проект
Multihole Drilling: Application Experience and Prospects. Technology of Multilateral Wells Construction by means of Smaller Diameter Bore Bits
G.N. Vankov, A.A. Urumyan, Gazprom Promgaz JSC,
A.M. Degtyar, MGIMO University
Keywords: Fishbone, multilateral wells, smaller diameter bore bits, increasing multilateral wells’ deliverability, sidetracks construction
The energy sources market has been volatile in recent years. Oil and gas prices have fluctuated up and down by 50%, and scored 200% in several cases within the relatively short period of 2020–2023. In order to remain competitive in such environment, oil and gas companies undertake efforts to streamline hydrocarbon recovery and process technologies, striving to improve the deliverability.
The paper considers the technology of multilateral wells drilling (Fishbone) using smaller diameter bore bits. The technology has been developed and implemented in Norway over the last 10–15 years.
The technology of multilateral wells drilling, reviewed here, differs fundamentally from that used in Russia and China. Instead of gradual drilling of a number of sidetracks by means of the sidecut method, there are used the assemblies containing dozens or sometimes hundreds of integrated smaller diameter bore bits.
The actual recovery rate’ increase in wells at the Edward Grieg field in the North Sea amounted to about 900% (10 times).
The paper considers the environmental issue of the multilateral well drilling technology.
Most Efficient Wells’ Distribution for Carbon Dioxide Injection in Geological Formations
A.I. Ermolaev, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University),
B.N. Mirsayapov, Gazprom Dobycha Tambey LLC
Keywords: carbon dioxide, discrete programming, injection, optimality criteria, model, placement, wells, storage
The paper presents the model of the most preferable distribution of a given number of wells at sites built in geological formations and intended for carbon dioxide storage. The model is a multi-criteria problem of nonlinear discrete programming. The optimality criteria used are aimed at delivering efficient injection and secure carbon dioxide storage in geological structures. The criteria represent a mathematical formalization of rules-of-thumb for reasonable wells’ distribution. The authors propose techniques for reducing the original problem to a single-criteria linear problem of mathematical programming, as well as present the problem’ solution cases.
Oil Recovery Stimulation by means of Using Surface-Active Compositions
I.N. Ignatiev, Kazan Federal University; Industrial Chemistry LLC
Keywords: stimulation, well, oil, surface active agents (surfactants), water
The purpose of the study is to consider current scientific and practical issues related to the oil recovery stimulation using surface-active compositions. The particular focus was made on the oil displacement ratios of various surfactant solutions with different heating temperatures. The author also analyzed the dependence of surfactant efficiency on formation water’ mineralization level. The paper also notably indicated the effect of the naphthazole surface-active solution on oil displacement from the well.
Recovery of Physical and Chemical Properties of Glycol Solutions Used in Natural Gas Dehydration
S.P. Degtyarev, G.S. Kudiyarov, L.M. Mironyuk, V.V. Moiseev, R.A. Safin, I.V. Tormyshev, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC
Keywords: absorption dehydration of natural gas, glycol, heating equipment, desorption, vacuum regeneration, vacuum distillation
The paper considers the aspects of purifying a diethylene glycol solution contaminated with degradation and resin saturation products, mechanical impurities, and mineral salts at Gas Production Facility No. 2 of the Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC.
The novelty in research is that the authors justified the feasibility of recovering the physical and chemical properties of a glycol solution using vacuum distillation on-site production facility.
The research output is the development of a process flow chart for vacuum distillation of diethylene glycol on existent process equipment at the Gas Production Facility. Based on the production experiment, the paper also provides recommendations on the optimal saturation value of diethylene glycol to maintain an acceptable operating mode of the unit.
Current State and Trends for Expanding Liquid Hydrocarbons’ Production and Treatment from Gas Condensate Deposits of the Urengoyskoye Field
M.G. Dmitriev, D.A. Popov, S.Yu. Kot, N.V. Ivanov, D.V. Ignatova, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC,
A.A. Kovalev, Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC
Keywords: Urengoyskoye oil and gas condensate field (OGCF), liquid hydrocarbons, Achimov condensate, Valanginian condensate, condensate content of formation fluid, component-fractional composition of condensate, gas condensate treatment
The paper raises the implied issue of heavy fractions products’ shortage at processing facilities. The authors completed a look-back analysis of the process flow scheme of gas condensate treatment and transportation of the Urengoyskoye OGCF. They studied how the component-fractional composition of unstable condensate supplied to processing facilities depends on the potential C 5+ hydrocarbons content in the formation fluid, which in turn depends on the formation pressure at the development’ site. This study is based on the mathematical modeling results of treatment process of the formation fluid with a high C 5+ hydrocarbons content.
The research results present that the heavy fractions products (kerosene and diesel fuel) decrease significantly. The problem of heavy fractions shortage in gas condensate mixture might be solved by commissioning new facilities.
Options for Crude Hydrocarbons’ Intake by Gas Condensate Production Facilities from Oil Wells Stock, Switched to Gas Condensate Deposits’ Production at the Urengoyskoye Oil and Gas Condensate Field
S.S. Kurdyumov, V.S. Ghimpu, A.N. Filippov , A.M. Kozlov, R.I. Gaziev, A.F. Akhmetov, I.I. Kushnir, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC,
V.V. Bragin, PAO Gazprom
Keywords: hydrocarbons, deethanized gas, gas collection, transportation, low-temperature separation unit
The specialists from Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC present technical solutions for hydrocarbons’ intake by the gas condensate production facility from oil wells stock at the Urengoyskoye oil and gas condensate field (OGCF). The significance of this engineering development was driven by the fact that oil wells are switched to hydrocarbons production from the gas condensate deposits at the Urengoyskoye OGCF. It will enable building-up deliverability of gas and unstable gas condensate. The proposed technical solutions are focused on ensuring the quantitative characteristics of unstable gas condensate, since its constituent elements (such as, ethane, propane, and butane) are valuable feedstock for petrochemical plants.
Methods for Improving Operation Efficiency of Liquid-Loaded Gas Wells at the Yamburgskoye Field under Abnormally Low Reservoir Pressures
N.N. Petrenko, A.A. Gadzhialiev, S.P. Degtyarev, I.R. Khamidullin, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC, M.M. Partilov, Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC
Keywords: liquid surface active agent (surfactant), liquid loaded gas well, low-pressure gas, declining production, concentric tubing, modular compressor unit
The Cenomanian deposits of the Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area) feature a considerable reserves’ depletion, reservoir water cut, and pressure drop as well as other issues reducing wells’ deliverability. A fluid accumulation in the wellbore is one of the major problems interfering steady in-field transmission of low-pressure gas. The paper presents the key techniques used at Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg facilities for preventing flow rate decline and well water loading. The authors place particular focus at the technology of independent injection of liquid surfactants, as follows, consider the main results of pilot tests, as well as criteria for selecting the surfactants’ best composition for the Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field, which gas producing companies can use when developing similar foaming agent mixtures. The paper presents an assessment of the economic efficiency of the liquid surfactants injecting technology on the case of a certain well at the Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field.
Modeling of Corrosion and Erosion Wear Behavior of Pipelines for Gas-Liquid Flows Transmission. Slurry Jet Impingement Rig System
I.A. Golubev, N.O. Shaposhnikov, A.B. Laptev, P.E. Kruk, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University A.S. Popkov,
R.V. Igoshin, PAO Gazprom
Keywords: corrosion-erosion wear, circulation units, corrosion and erosion processes, multifactorial tests, bench unit designs, material degradation monitoring
Characteristics’ evaluation of pipelines corrosion-erosion wear is of crucial significance for determining the service life of gas production and transportation pipeline. The literature review proved that circulation units with medium impingement on a sample can be used for research purposes, specifically, comparative tests of metallic materials for erosion resistance under simultaneous exposure to a corrosive environment. The circulation units can be used to determine the mechanism of erosion-corrosion effect. The bench tests implementation in compliance with standard methods requires introducing a uniform system for circulation units with medium jet inpingement on sample, in terms of temperature, jet feed rate and nozzle diameter, sand concentration and granulometric composition, dissolved gas control, pH medium, and variating the sample inclination angle against the corrosive medium stream.
Technological Solutions’ Improvement for Gas Purification Unit at Linear Compressor Stations
S.V. Adamenko, Gazprom transgaz Ukhta LLC,
V.G. Nikitin, Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod LLC,
K.V. Pakhtelev, Gazprom Proyektirovaniye LLC, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.Alekseev,
D.G. Repin, Gazprom Proyektirovaniye LLC, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R. Alekseev,
S.V. Savchenkov, Gazprom Proyektirovaniye LLC
Keywords: linear compressor station, gas purification unit, energy efficiency improvement, cost reduction, alternative schemes
Taking into account such aspects as continuous growth of energy costs, non-renewability of natural resources, as well as the need to further searching ways to reduce operating costs, when using core technological equipment of a compressor station, the authors analyzed the capability of energy efficiency improvement of the compressor station based on streamlining the layout of the gas purification unit, its relevancy and feasibility conditions for its current running. The paper also considers the alternative layout options provided for excluding the gas purification unit from the linear compressor station machinery.
Engineering of Diagnostic Systems for Compressor Stations’ Piping
A.B. Vasenin, S.E. Stepanov, Gazprom Proyektirovaniye LLC
O.V. Kryukov, E.S. Podshivalov, V.A. Ippolitov, TSN-Electro LLC
Keywords: monitoring system, operational factors, process piping, compressor station, recurrent inspection, gas pipeline
The authors analyze the operation reliability of linear and booster compressor stations at gas trunklines and characteristics of key performance factors, affecting the damage occurrence of process units and piping. They justified a significance of designing a new automated control system and monitoring concept for the technical condition of compressor stations based on regulatory and technical requirements of both state and industry standards. The paper proposes an engineering workflow of automated monitoring system for new and retrofitted compressor stations, considering the ongoing intellectualization of electrical equipment of the designed facilities.
Analysis and Ways to Increase Wells’ Production Capacity of Underground Gas Storage Division
A.E. Verisokin, T.A. Gunkina, S.B. Beketov, R.E. Shesterikova, V.V. Fedorenko, D.S. Kalashnikov, North Caucasus Federal University,
V.A. Tolpaev, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
Keywords: justification for production facilities’ allocation, geological and physical characteristics of formations, analysis of wells and formations survey results, analysis of underground storage facility (UGS) current state, analysis of well stock and their performance indicators, efficiency analysis of applied geological and technical measures, comparison of design and actual performance indicators of UGS operation
The paper presents the analysis and methods of increasing the production capacity of UGS wells. The gas condensate field’ development was terminated in March 1991 because the underground gas storage facility was built on Production Site #1 (formations I + Ia). The underground gas storage was developed in order to mitigate seasonal unevenness of gas consumption in the Krasnodar Territory. The first injection into the UGS facility started in May 1991. The UGS development and industrial operation run simultaneously and are covered by the technical scheme. Technical losses of crude hydrocarbon are recorded during the UGS’ operation.
Pipeline Gas Monetization in the Russian Federation
A.I. Gaivoronsky, M.G. Sukharev, I.V. Tverskoy, Gazprom Promgaz JSC
Keywords: natural gas, natural gas monetization, gas chemistry, LNG, pipeline gas, expert-and-statistical assessment, selection criteria, options matrix, solutions ranking, project risks
The paper presents the output on searching the most efficient concepts of pipeline gas monetization in the Russian Federation subject to current environment at the domestic and foreign markets. The research is based on the expert-and-statistical method of selecting the most applicable alternative based on a collective set of evaluation criteria suitable to each alternative (TOPSIS method). The research results enable to draw a general conclusion that the most attractive investment areas are those related to small-scale production of the ultimate product (gas chemical products, LNG).
Business Simulation Games in Implementation of “Oil and Gas Engineering” Educational Programs
E.M. Kotlyarova, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
Keywords: business simulation game, competency-based approach, hours of self-guided work, interactive technologies, natural gas field, operating mode, gas production facility, well fluid gathering and treatment system, process mode criteria, project
The article considers the interactive technologies of students’ training related to “Oil and Gas Engineering” program in terms of cross-disciplinary approach for shaping, first of all, general professional and particular professional competencies. Contemporary educational requirements determine a considerable time for self-guided students’ work, so thorough mastering of these hours becomes topical issue. The introduction of advanced or so-called, dynamic training technologies, meaning a business simulation game into the educational process will allow students mastering in “Oil and Gas Engineering” take advantage of extracurricular hours at a higher level.