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300-летие Российской академии наук
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Аксютин Олег Евгеньевич
Тема номера
300-летие Российской академии наук
Создание, использование и перспективы развития инновационных мембранных технологий в системе ПАО «Газпром»
Аксютин О.Е., ПАО «Газпром», Вагарин В.А., ООО «Газпром проектирование»
УДК 665.632
Ключевые слова: Установка мембранного выделения гелиевого концентрата (УМВГК), блоки мембранного разделения (БМР), мембранные элементы (МЭ),
целевые компоненты (ЦК), исследования, анализ, перспективы
С момента ввода УМВГК в эксплуатацию разработаны новые технологические решения, и в стадии завершения разработки находятся проекты новых мембранных установок.
Фундаментальные исследования и инновационные технологии в нефтяной и газовой промышленности России
Дмитриевский А.Н., Институт проблем нефти и газа РАН
УДК 553.9
Ключевые слова: фундаментальные исследования, инновационные технологии, происхождение нефти и газа, интегрированные и флюидонасыщенные зоны,
полигинез нефти и газа, матричная нефть, трудноизвлекаемые запасы,
нетрадиционные ресурсы нефти и газа
Определение удельного электрического сопротивления коллекторов нефти и газа с применением численной инверсии данных электрокаротажа
Эпов М.И., Глинских В.Н., Петров А.М., Примаков С.А., Лапковская А.А.,
Сухорукова К.В., РАН, ИНГГ СО РАН,
Лежнин Д.С., АО «СНИИГГиМС»
УДК 550.832
Научная часть исследования выполнена при финансовой поддержке проекта ФНИ № FWZZ-2022-0026 «Инновационные аспекты электродинамики в задачах разведочной и промысловой геофизики».
Ключевые слова: скважинная электрометрия, численное моделирование,
численная инверсия, двумерная геоэлектрическая модель, электрическая анизотропия, коллекторы нефти и газа
Метод направленной разгрузки пласта – технология повышения продуктивности нефтяных и газовых скважин
Климов Д.М., Карев В.И., Институт проблем механики им. А.Ю. Ишлинского РАН
УДК 532.5.013.2
Ключевые слова: нефть, газ, призабойная зона пласта, напряженно-деформированное состояние, растрескивание, проницаемость, геомеханическое моделирование
Апт-альб-сеноманские газовые залежи северных и арктических регионов Западной Сибири
Конторович В.А., Институт нефтегазовой геологии и геофизики
им. А.А. Трофимука СО РАН
УДК 550.834.05
Ключевые слова: Апт-альб-сеноманские газовые залежи, арктические регионы Западной Сибири, газоносная провинция, структурно-тектонический анализ,
осадочные комплексы, Надым-Тазовское междуречье
Результаты выполненного в ИНГГ СО РАН структурно-тектонического анализа показали, что дифференциация залежей УВ по нефтегазоносным комплексам в значительной мере связана с тектоническим фактором – с отличием в истории развития Надым-Тазовской и Ямало-Гыданской областей и в динамике формирования в них антиклинальных структур-ловушек.
Изучение взрывной дегазации Земли из криолитозоны Арктики на Бованенковском месторождении с применением БПЛА
Богоявленский В.И., Богоявленский И.В., Институт проблем нефти и газа РАН
УДК 551.2.05
Ключевые слова: Арктика, Ямал, Бованенково, дегазация Земли,
кратеры выбросов газа, криолитозона, дистанционное зондирование Земли (ДЗЗ), беспилотные летательные аппараты (БПЛА), трехмерная модель, виртуальная реальность
Принципы формирования программы инновационного развития ООО «Газпром добыча Ямбург» до 2032 года
Касьяненко А.А., Бакиев Р.И., Король В.Е., Моисеев В.В., Партилов М.М., Яхонтов Д.А., ООО «Газпром добыча Ямбург»
УДК 330.15
Ключевые слова: программа инновационного развития, инновационная деятельность, ключевой инновационный проект, ключевые показатели эффективности, SWOT-анализ, инновация, технологические приоритеты, производственно-техническая база, производственно-хозяйственная деятельность
Внедрение технологии вакуумной сепарации бурового раствора на Харасавэйском газоконденсатном месторождении
Журавлёв В.В., ПАО «Газпром»,
Пильник С.В., Бурба Д.А., ООО «Газпром инвест»,
Кузьмин К.А., ООО «Газнефтесервис»,
Скотнов С.Н., Шепелюк О.В., ООО «Сервисный Центр СБМ»
УДК 620.178.620.179
Ключевые слова: сепаратор, вакуум, газ, нефть, экология, утилизация, испытание
Повышение эффективности сепараторов в последних ступенях паровых турбин за счет использования поверхностей с микроканавками
Фокин Г.А., ООО «Газпром трансгаз Санкт-Петербург»,
Забелин Н.А., Хемати М., Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого
УДК 621.165
Ключевые слова: эрозия, сепарация, микрорельефная поверхность, угол наклона
Обоснование необходимости создания интегрированной геолого-технологической модели и учета технологических ограничений при расчете показателей разработки газового месторождения
Красовский А.В., ПАО «Газпром»
УДК 532.5.621.65.01
Ключевые слова: комплексная геолого-технологическая модель, трехмерная интегрированная гидродинамическая модель, цифровой двойник, цифровая модель, технологические ограничения, технологические показатели разработки газового месторождения, модель ДКС, модель ГСС, технологическая цепочка
«пласт-скважина-ГСС-УКПГ-ДКС», депрессия газовой скважины
Cutting-Edge Membrane Technologies: Invention, Application and Development Prospects within PJSC GAZPROM Companies
O.E. Aksyutin, PJSC Gazprom, V.A. Vagarin, Gazprom Proektirovanie LLC
Keywords: membrane unit for helium concentrate extraction (MUHCE), membrane separation assembly, membrane elements (ME), target components (TC), research, analysis, prospects
Successful practice in creation and operation of the membrane unit helium concentrate extraction (MUHCE), which evidenced the efficiency of using membrane technology for helium separation from natural gas, and establishing domestic capacities for gas separation membrane elements (ME)’ manufacture provided the ground for considering the feasibility of using membrane technologies (MT) within PJSC Gazprom companies for other target components (TC) extraction from natural gas, as well gas flows of hydrocarbon processing, and hardness salts separation from liquid media.
The new technological solutions have been developed since the MUHCE commissioning, and projects for new membrane units are at the accomplishing stage of development now.
Fundamental Reasearch and Innovative Technologies in Russian Oil and Gas Industry
A.N. Dmitrievsky, Oil and Gas Research Institute (IPNG), RAS
Keywords: fundamental research, innovative technologies, origin of oil and natural gas, integrated and fluid-saturated zones, polygenesis of oil and gas, matrix oil, hard-to-recover reserves, unconventional oil and gas resources
The Oil and Gas Research Institute (IPNG) of the USSR Academy of Sciences and USSR Ministry of Higher Education was established by the Order No. 393r dated February 23, 1987 of the USSR Council of Ministers and entrusted with executing fundamental research and coordinating scientific studies on oil and gas subject matters in universities and institutes.
Almost 30 years ago, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO Gazprom Management Committee at joint meeting developed and approved the Program “Fundamental basis of innovative technologies in the oil and gas industry”. Twenty-eight academic institutes contributed in the Program accomplishment over the years. The Oil and Gas Research Institute was the Program coordinator. Fundamental, dedicated and applied researches carried out within the Program framework were included in the technological panel of the resource-innovation strategy for the Russian economy development. The draft Russian Energy Strategy up to 2035 “identifies the transition from the raw materials export to a resource-innovative strategy as the key idea for the state economy development.”
Defining Specific Electrical Resistivity of Oil and Gas Reservoirs using Numerical Inversion of Electrical Logging Data
M.I. Epov, V.N. Glinskikh, A.M. Petrov, S.A. Primakov, A.A. Lapkovskaya, K.V. Sukhorukova, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
D.S. Lezhnin, Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw Materials (SNIIGGiMS)
Keywords: borehole electric logging, numerical modeling, numerical inversion, two-dimensional geoelectric model, electrical anisotropy, oil and gas reservoirs
The paper considers the approach to quantitative interpretation of borehole electric logging, based on the numerical inversion of data derived from set of electrical logging probes in the class of multi-layer axisymmetric models. As opposed to the sounding curve inversion, the authors search for such model characteristics that enable selecting the signals’ change in along the well to the fullest extent, rather than the formation readings. The paper presents visual examples of the inversion software’ efficient application for determining the electrical resistivity of shallow gas-saturated layers in layered and thinly bedded macroanisotropic reservoirs. The authors also provide the example of clarifying specific electrical resistivity of a high-impedance reservoir’s top section under the considerable influence of the low-impedance seal.
Directional Unloading Method: Technology for Enhancing Oil and Gas Wells Recovery Rate
D.M. Klimov, V.I. Karev, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Science (IPMech RAS)
Keywords: oil, gas, bottomhole formation zone, stress-strain state, cracking, permeability, geomechanical modeling
The paper presents a technology for enhancing oil and gas wells’ recovery rate, which is the directional unloading of a formation. It involves increasing permeability of the bottomhole formation zone by cracking and disruption of the reservoir rock resulting from creating the required stresses there. This is achieved by pressure reduction in the well to the desired value and, supposedly, by shaping a certain bottomhole geometry. The technology efficiency, as well as the required characteristics of an impact on the formation, specifically, the draw-down magnitude and bottomhole geometry are determined according to testing samples of the reservoir rock on a true triaxial loading device.
Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian Gas Deposits of the Northern and Arctic Regions of Western Siberia
V.A. Kontorovich, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian gas deposits, Arctic regions of Western Siberia, gas-bearing province, structural and tectonic analysis, sedimentary complexes, Nadym-Taz interfluve area
The work was accomplished as a part of the State Fundamental Scientific Research Program for FWZZ-2022-0009
The paper considers the research deliveries of Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. They depicted that the hydrocarbon deposits differentiation into oil and gas complexes in the Western Siberia is associated with a geotectonic factor, specifically, a different history of the anticlinal trap structures’ building and diversity in the geological aspects of Aptian-Albian deposits. The Messoyakha inclined ridge in the latitudinal direction cuts the entire province territory and divides in structural and tectonic terms the northern regions of Western Siberia in the Yamal Gydan and Nadym- Taz regions, the zones where the main gas accumulations are concentrated in reservoirs of different ages.
The results of the structural-tectonic analysis completed by the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, SB RAS indicated that the differentiation of hydrocarbon deposits into oil and gas complexes is largely associated with the tectonic factor. Namely, these factors feature the difference in the development histories of the Nadym- Taz vs Yamal- Gydan regions, as well as formation dynamics of anticlinal structures-traps in them.
Study of Explosive Degassing of the Earth from Cryolithozones of the Arctic at the Bovanenkovskoye field using UAVs
V.I. Bogoyavlensky, I.V. Bogoyavlensky, Oil and Gas Research Institute (IPNG),
Russian Academy of Science
Keywords: Arctic, Yamal, Bovanenkovo , degassing of the Earth, gas emission craters, cryolithozone zone, remote sensing of the Earth (ERS), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), three-dimensional model, virtual reality
The main purpose of the paper is to present the new opportunities for studying hazardous objects of gas blowouts and explosions associated with the usage of aerospace remote sensing data, focused on the results of the UAVs application. The Bovanenkovo object C17 was selected as the basic one for the research, since a catastrophic gas release occurred there between May 28 and June 9 with the formation of a giant crater. Based on aerial photographs taken in 2020 by UAV, the authors built a fine-grid 3D model of the underground space of the cavity and crater of C17explosive degassing object of the Earth, on the basis of which, the model was first implemented in virtual reality. The research result clearly substantiated that the gas-saturated cavity of C17 object could only have formed due to the thawing (melting) of ice below under the influence of endogenous processes, and the elliptical shape of its bottom indicates that it is confined to a deep fault.
Philosophy for Creating the Innovative Development Program of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC until 2032
A.A.Kasyanenko, R.I.Bakiev, V.E.Korol, V.V.Moiseev, M.M.Partilov, D.A.Yakhontov,
Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC
Keywords: Innovative Development Program, key innovation project, key performance indicators, SWOT analysis, innovation, technological priorities, production and technical base, production and economic activities, innovation activities
The science development and innovative output production are one of the priority goals of Russian state policy and a key driver not only for improving the state competitiveness, but also for ensuring the national security in current conditions. Deterioration of the gas market performance, higher volatility of the national currency rate, and import restrictions of high-tech equipment and services, as well as the complicated geopolitical situation also set unconventional challenges for Gazprom and its subsidiaries that require non-standard solutions.
The paper considers the designing procedure for the Innovative Development Program of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC, which is a strategic planning document for the Company dynamics and determines the Company’s policy and key projects. This is the pioneer experience in creating a document for long-term planning and management of innovative activities among the gas producing companies of PJSC Gazprom.
Adopting Technology for Drilling Mud Vacuum Separation at the Kharasaveyskoye Gas and Gas Condensate Field
V.V. Zhuravlev, PJSC Gazprom
S.V. Pilnik, D.A. Burba, Gazprom Invest LLC
K.A. Kuzmin, LLC Gaznefteservis
S.N. Skotnov, O.V. Shepelyuk, Service Center SBM LLC
Keywords: separator, vacuum, gas, oil, environment, disposal, testing
The paper addresses the problem of drilling waste generation. The drilling waste has an impact on the environment and increases customer expenditures. The authors review technical solutions to reduce drilling waste and compare the equipment efficiency for minimizing the drilling waste generation. The paper presents the key drawbacks of the equipment used, as well as the advantages of the introduced technology. Besides that, the authors consider the equipment implementation cycle of drilling fluid vacuum separation and the implemented technology efficiency results.
Improvement of Separators’ Efficiency in the Aft Stages of Steam Turbines by Applying Microgrooves Surfaces
G.A. Fokin, Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC,
N.A. Zabelin, M. Hemati, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Keywords: erosion, separation, microrelief surface, inclination angle
The authors review the method for improving separators located in aft stages of steam and gas turbines and designed for removing erosive-dangerous droplets of moisture and abrasive particles from the working fluid flow. Settling on the separating surfaces depends on various factors, such as thermodynamic characteristics of the working fluid, properties and sizes of droplets and particles, speed and direction of their collision with the limiting surfaces of the flow part and blade devices, as well as condition of the surfaces. The paper presents the calculation results of the droplets interaction with various surfaces’ types. They ground on the ideas, developed at the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and implemented on a certain number of wet steam turbines and compartments. That is how erosion-preventive and moisture-protective devices for the aft stages of 60 to 800 MW powerful steam turbines were designed, developed, and implemented at thermal power plants, including Kirishskaya State Regional Power Plant (SRPP), Severnaya Combined Heat Power Plant (CHPP), Surgutskaya SRPP-1, Surgutskaya SRPP-2, Ivanovskaya CHPP. The Kirov Plant used the similar erosion-preventive device for designing and manufacturing turbines for Arktika nuclear-powered icebreaker. The results obtained enable developing design recommendations for erosion-resistant rotor and nozzle blades of steam and gas turbines.
Justification of Necessity for Creating Integrated Geological and Technological Model and Considering Technological Limitations with respect to Calculating Gas Field Development Indicators
A.V. Krasovsky, PJSC Gazprom
Keywords: integrated geological and technological model, three-dimensional integrated hydrodynamic model, digital twin, digital model, technological limitations, technological indicators of gas field development, model of booster compressor station, gas gathering system model, processing chain: reservoir well gas gathering system comprehensive gas treatment unit booster compressor station, drawdown of gas well.
A three-dimensional integrated geological and technological model is an engineer’s basic tool for calculating and managing technological indicators of gas field development. However, sometimes there is still lack of understanding its essence and what parts (models) it consists of, as well as what influence the technological limitations and other criteria make on what. The paper presents several case studies to show how the model of booster compressor station and tracking a number of technological restrictions influence on the performance and efficiency of gas field development.