Научный консультант:
Вагарин Владимир Анатольевич
Тема номера:
Освоение газовых месторождений России
Ключевые слова и аннотации статей
Разработка решений по эксплуатации месторождений, находящихся на завершающей стадии разработки, как единого технологического комплекса
Аксютин О.Е., ПАО «Газпром»,
Дарымов А.В., ООО «Газпром добыча Иркутск»,
Ермилов О.М., ООО «Газпром добыча Надым»,
Шандрыголов З.Н., ООО «Газпром Вниигаз»
УДК 622.279.5
Ключевые слова: разработка месторождений, завершающая стадия разработки, нефтегазоконденсатное месторождение 3
Блочно-модульные КТП-10/0,4 с функциями цифровой подстанции для арктических объектов ПАО «Газпром»
Васенин А.Б., Степанов С.Е., ООО «Газпром проектирование», г. Н. Новгород,
Крюков О.В., ООО «ТСН-электро»
УДК 621.311.42
Ключевые слова: цифровая подстанция, распределительное устройство, автоматический ввод резерва, промышленный контроллер, интеллектуализация
Выбор параметров для анализа показателей разработки газовых месторождений горизонтальными скважинами
Мараков Д.А., Адзынова Ф.А., РГУ нефти и газа (национальный исследовательский университет) им. И.М. Губкина
УДК 622.279.42
Ключевые слова: форма зоны дренирования, горизонтальная скважина, индивидуальное и кустовое размещение, фрагмент залежи, анализ параметров
Ранговая экспертная оценка технологий оптимизации газосборных сетей на завершающей стадии эксплуатации месторождений
Хайруллин И.Р., Юрасов В.О., Рагимов Т.Т., ООО «Газпром добыча Уренгой», Юшин Е.С., ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов»
УДК 622.279
Ключевые слова: газосборная сеть, трубопровод, накопление жидкости, технические решения, предотвращение льдообразования и гидратообразования, эффективность
Определение содержания жидкости в обводненных газовых скважинах
Николаев О.В., Плосков А.А., Стоноженко И.В., ООО «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ», Васильев В.Г., Соломахин А.В., ПАО «Газпром»
УДК 622.279
Ключевые слова: эксплуатация скважин, поздняя стадия разработки, лифтовые трубы, газожидкостные потоки, потери давления, унос капель, истинное объемное водосодержание, пленка жидкости
В работе на основе анализа процессов взаимодействия фаз динамичной газожидкостной смеси выводится формула для расчета истинного объемного содержания жидкости в стволе скважины в зависимости от величины дополнительных потерь давления, возникающих за счет наличия жидкой фазы в потоке. Эмпирические коэффициенты, фигурирующие в формуле, получены по результатам прецизионных экспериментальных исследований, проведенных на специализированном оборудовании в условиях, воспроизводящих промысловые.
Предложенная формула может быть использована для расчетов параметров как рабочих режимов, так и переходных процессов (продувок, задавливания, смены режимов), а также при решении обратной задачи – определения потерь давления в газожидкостном потоке по количеству жидкости в трубе.
Вероятностная оценка неоднородностей коллекторских свойств верхнеюрского отдела Шаимского района
Страхов П.Н., Маркелова А.А., Российский университет дружбы народов,
Крылов Д.Н., ООО «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ»
УДК 553.04
Ключевые слова: пористость, проницаемость, остаточная водонасыщенность, вероятность, геологическая модель
Риск микробиологического разрушения газотранспортной системы при смешивании природного газа и биогаза в подземных хранилищах
Барсук Н.Е., ПАО «Газпром»,
Гайдамака С.Н., Гладченко М.А., Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова,
Хайдина М.П., РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина
УДК 620.163
Ключевые слова: Природный газ, биогаз, газотранспортные системы, микроорганизмы, обсеменение, коррозия
Современные подходы к технологиям умного хранения и транспортировки нефти
Сяо Чжэньсинь, Дальневосточный федеральный университет
УДК 621.64:629
Ключевые слова: умное хранение, нефть, цифровые технологии, эффективность, затраты, нефтепродукты
Численное исследование ограничения прорыва диоксида углерода в зону эксплуатационного фонда скважин
Дорохина К.В., Евразийская патентная организация, Москва, Россия
УДК 622.691.24
Ключевые слова: диоксид углерода, модель, концентрация, пена, заводнение, подземное хранение газа
Микрорельефные поверхности как средство снижения эрозии лопаточных аппаратов в паровых и газовых турбинах
Фокин Г.А., ООО «Газпром трансгаз Санкт-Петербург»,
Забелин Н.А., Хемати М., Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого
УДК 621.165
Ключевые слова: турбомашины, микрорельефная поверхность, эрозионный износ, кинетический потенциал
Особенности использования устройств интеллектуального управления нагрузкой для повышения эффективности функционирования электроэнергетических систем производственных объектов газового комплекса
Шаповало А.А., Коноплев Т.Ф., ПАО «Газпром»,
Домышев А.В., ФГБУН «ИСЭМ СО РАН»,
Замула К.В., ООО «Энергия-Т»,
Сербин Ю.В., АО «Газпром промгаз»
УДК 621.316
Ключевые слова: статическая характеристика нагрузки, программно-технический комплекс, искусственные нейронные сети, прогноз режима системы, интеллектуальная система управления нагрузкой в аварийных режимах
Приведенная информация о разработке в интересах ПАО «Магаданэнерго» УИУН сопровождается описаниями структуры и алгоритмов функционирования, а также основных особенностях конструкции УИУН. Показаны структура алгоритмов определения режимной надежности, прогнозирования режимов, выполнения динамической многокритериальной оптимизации управляющих воздействий с учетом их стоимости, реализованные с использованием искусственных информационных сетей. Сформулирована привлекательность подобных разработок для построения Smart Grid и совершенствования систем релейной защиты и противоаварийной автоматики систем электроснабжения производственных объектов газового комплекса.
Abstracts in English
Drafting Solutions for Mature Fields Operation as Integrated Technological Complex
O.E. Aksyutin, PJSC Gazprom,
A.V. Darymov, Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk LLC,
O.M. Ermilov, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC,
Z.N. Shandrygolov, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
Keywords: field development, final stage of development, oil, gas and gas condensate field
The comprehensive approaches to the fields’ development at the declining production phase is a generally recognized global trend to ensure maximum gas recovery rates. In the face of a significant drop in the maximum extraction’ rate the remodeling and upgrading of gas field equipment, primarily booster compressor stations, require significant expenditures. At this phase, it is feasible to load existing capacities to the uttermost. Basically, nowadays these solutions are considered for each of the fields separately. At the same time, such attributes as geographical setting of the Medvezhye, Yubileinoye, and Yamsoveyskoye fields, available unemployed capacities of gas transmission corridors from the Yamburg and Urengoy gas production centers, and the central booster compressor station at the Medvezhye field enable to esteem the integrated development of these three fields beyond the designed terms for gas trunklines operation for low-pressure gas transmission and overall increase in the fields’ gas recovery.
Modular 10/0.4 Packaged Transformer Substations Featuring Digital Substation Functions for Gazprom’s Arctic facilities
A.B. Vasenin, S.E. Stepanov, Gazprom Proyektirovaniye LLC, Nizhny Novgorod
O.V. Kryukov, TSN- electro LLC
Keywords: digital substation, switchgear, automatic failover switch, industrial controller, intellectualization
The paper considers the prospects for the development and implementation of new technologies to enhance the functionality and reliability of packaged transformer substations (PTSs) in the Arctic facilities. Within the concept of digital substations, the authors propose innovative functions for monitoring and intelligent control of automated switchgear systems. They present the examples of Kaskad modular PTSs based on programmable controllers using web technologies in lightly-manned conditions for power supply systems of Arctic LNG facilities.
Justification for the Need to Analyze the Development Parameters
D.A. Marakov, F.A. Adzynova, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: drainage area shape, horizontal well, individual and cluster placement, deposit segment, parameter analysis
At the initial stage, gas and gas condensate field development projects are usually based on data from a limited number of exploration wells, and the necessary input data are often obtained with deviations from research techniques and data processing methods. The paper considers methods for determining the productivity of horizontal wells that differ in the deposit segment shapes (strip, circle, ellipsoid); the placement of horizontal boreholes (individual, cluster); the variability of bottom-hole pressure in the horizontal section, etc. The authors highlighted the complications in carrying out and obtaining qualitative information when a deposit is developed by horizontal wells.
Ranked Expert Evaluation of Gas Gathering System Optimization Technologies for Mature Fields’ Operation
I.R. Khairullin, V.O. Yurasov, T.T. Ragimov, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC
E.S. Yushin, RUDN University
Keywords: gas gathering system, pipeline, liquid accumulation, technical solutions, prevention of ice and hydrate formation, efficiency
The operation of field gas gathering systems (GGSs) at the stage of declining production goes along with a decrease in gas pressure, temperature and flow rates in pipelines, and a liquid content increase in the transmitted products. The paper presents the key technical solutions and measures to optimize the operation of the GGSs at the mature fields in the Nadym–Pur–Taz region of the Yamal–Nenets Autonomous District, which help to reduce gas losses, efficiently use the chemical reagents and reservoir energy. The authors analyze the proposed and applied methods of liquid accumulation removal from gas gathering systems and bring their ranked expert evaluation.
Liquid Content Determination in Wet Gas Wells
O.V. Nikolaev, A.A. Ploskov, I.V.Stonozhenko, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
V.G.Vasiliev, A.V.Solomakhin, Gazprom PJSC
Keywords: well operation, late stage of development, tubing, gas–liquid flows, pressure loss, droplet entrainment, true volumetric liquid content, liquid film
At the late stage of field development, the amount of the liquid phase in the borehole is a significant attribute determining technology to be chosen for operating a wet well. During well operation, a dynamic gas–liquid mixture is distributed along the borehole based on the liquid and gas flow rate, pressure, and borehole diameter. Since the existing correlations for determining the true volumetric liquid content were developed primarily for the needs of the oil industry, their use in gas well calculations leads to significant errors and, therefore, incorrect organizational decisions.
The paper analyzes interaction processes between dynamic gas–liquid mixture phases to derive a formula for calculating the true volumetric liquid content in the borehole as a function of extra pressure loss due to the presence of the liquid phase in the flow. The empirical indices in the formula come from precision experimental studies carried out with custom-designed equipment under field–like conditions.
The proposed formula can be used to calculate parameters of both operating modes and transient processes (blowdown, killing, mode change) and solve the inverse problem – determination of pressure loss in the gas–liquid flow according to the amount of liquid in the pipe.
Probabilistic Assessment of Inhomogeneities in Reservoir Porosity and Permeability Properties of the Upper Jurassic Section of the Shaimsky district
P.N. Strakhov, A.A. Markelova, RUDN University,
D.N. Krylov, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
Keywords: porosity, permeability, residual water saturation, probability, geological model
The paper considers a fundamentally new way to build a three–dimensional geological model. The calculations apply probabilistic methods. It is found impractical to apply the generally accepted approach to building cubes of deposits’ filtration properties and oil saturation indexes, when just single value of the corresponding parameter is determined on the basis of recalculating the model for each cell.
However, the large scatter of values is essentially ignored even when the corresponding ratios from the core study materials are analyzed. The significant size difference between the sample and the unit cell of the geologic model is another thing that is usually ignored. In this case, probabilistic methods of calculating the required dependences are recommended, which have been adapted by means of a Monte Carlo method. Each cell is represented as an aggregate of a large number of rocks which dimensions are commensurate with the samples measured in the laboratory. The previously determined probabilities are recalculated for each virtual microbody. Then the obtained ratios are approximated. The result is conditions for plotting histograms of permeability and residual water saturation. For the oil–saturated part of the model, the residual water saturation is easily recalculated into a function that describes the nature of the oil saturation distribution. In addition, this approach is useful for regional operations.
The Risk of Microbially Induced Deterioration of Gas Transmission System Accrued from Natural Gas and Biogas Mixture in Underground Storage Facilities
N.E. Barsuk, PJSC Gazprom,
S.N. Gaidamaka, M.A. Gladchenko, Lomonosov Moscow State University
M.P. Khaidina, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: natural gas, biogas, gas transmission systems, microorganisms, semination, corrosion
The urgent imperative of risk assessment studies of the joint transportation of produced gases and natural gas in a single gas transmission network is driven by biogas production growth in Europe and its inclusion in the gas transmission network since 2012. The authors analyzed open access publications dedicated to the fractional and bacterial composition of the gases produced from biological waste of various origins, considered the capability of bacteria viability in the conditions, which are typical for a gas transmission network and natural gas underground storage, and evaluated the conceivable directions of the negative impact of the microbiota inherent to biogas.
Contemporary Approaches to Smart Oil Storage and Transportation Technologies
Xiao Zhenxin, Far Eastern Federal University
Keywords: smart storage, oil, digital technologies, efficiency, expenditure, oil products
The article considers the issues of smart technologies’ application for oil transportation and storage by various petroleum companies. The study is dedicated to analysis of contemporary approaches to the smart oil transportation and storage at oil refineries. A number of research methods such as analysis, comparison, decisions’ making, logical reasoning etc. were used for the study. The author emphasizes the importance of using advanced technologies for oil transportation and storage. Also, the author considers the “digital production” concept and presents its’ interpretation as a part of studying the state-of-the-art digital technologies and smart oil transportation and storage. The paper contemplates the key results that might be achieved by means of using the smart technologies for oil transportation and storage. The author accomplished the comprehensive research of the scheme for using smart technologies for oil transportation and drafted recommendations for enhancing the digital technologies for oil transportation and storage and for their further use in the production activity. The idea that unmanned technologies are the technologies of the future is the key conclusion. Their extensive application helps to reduce the labor cost, increase efficiency and profitability, and contribute to environmental integrity.
Numerical Study of Clipping Carbon Dioxide Breakthrough into the Area of Production Well Stock
K.V. Dorokhina, Eurasian Patent Organization
Keywords: carbon dioxide, model, concentration, foam, waterflooding, underground gas storage
Burial and storage of carbon dioxide in geological structures is the top priority task. It is feasible to store CO2 in the depleted fields to increase fluid recovery and underground gas storages for partially replacing cushion gas. The paper is dedicated to the research of clipping the breakthrough of supercritical CO2 into the area of the production wells due to creating foam barriers and partial reservoir waterflooding. The author considers the influence of the foam adsorption by the reservoir rock, the foam decay period, and the process of waterflooding of the deposit on the supercritical CO2 breakthrough into the area of the production well stock. Also, there are given recommendations on the surfactant solution’ selection for long-term maintenance of the foam in the reservoir.
Microrelief Surfaces as a means to Reduce Erosion of Blade Rows in Steam and Gas Turbines
G.A. Fokin, Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC
N.A. Zabelin, M. Khemati, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Keywords: turbomachinery, microrelief surface, erosion wear, Lagrangian function
The paper considers a reducing erosion method for moving blades in gas and wet steam turbines and blades in gas compressors and injectors. The application of microrelief surfaces in the flow sections of turbomachinery, which mitigate the erosion effect of solid or liquid particles contained in the flow of the working fluid, is the method’s footing. Calculations have been made both for wet steam turbines and compartments, where erosion is caused by the impact of polydispersed aerosols, and for gas turbomachinery, where the main threat comes from mineral particles and oxidation products of metallic materials. Today’s turbomachinery features high circumferential rotors’ speeds and severe, often supersonic, flow rates of the working substance. The erosive effect is caused by the fact that denser particles or droplets have lower velocities than the carrier flow rate and interact with moving blades with larger angles of attack. The authors present the analysis results of the Lagrangian function of an erosive flow containing a mixture of mineral particles (85%) and iron oxide (15%), depending on the particles’ size and the angle of their impact with the surfaces. The obtained results enable developing recommendations for the design of erosion resistant moving blades in steam and gas turbines.
Specific Features of Using Intelligent Load Control Devices to Improve the Efficiency of Electrical Power Systems of Gas Complex Production Facilities
A.A. Shapovalo, T.F.Konoplev, PJSC Gazprom
A.V. Domyshev, Melentiev Energy Systems Institute Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
K.V. Zamula, Energia-T LLC, Yu.V. Serbin, Gazprom Promgaz JSC
Keywords: static load characteristic, software and hardware package, artificial neural networks, system mode prediction, intelligent load control system in emergency modes
The paper considers the results of developing and testing an Intelligent Load Control Device (ILCD) in isolated power supply systems in emergency modes, as applied to the conditions of operation and plans to improve the power generation facilities of the gas complex.
The information about the development of the ILCD on behalf of Magadanenergo PJSC is accompanied by descriptions of the structure and algorithms of operation, as well as the basic features of the ILCD design. The authors present the structures of algorithms for determining mode reliability, predicting modes, performing dynamic multicriteria optimization of control actions, given their cost, implemented through artificial data communication networks. Also, they represent the reasons why such developments are useful for building the Smart Grid and improving relay protection systems and emergency automatics of electrical power supply systems of gas complex production facilities.