Тема номера:
Освоение газовых месторождений России
Научный консультант:
Хайдина Мария Павловна
Создание отечественных газоразделительных мембран для выделения гелия из природного газа
Маркелов В.А., Шпигель И.Г., ПАО «Газпром»,
Кисленко Н.Н., Пырков А.Ю., ООО «Газпром проектирование»,
Гулянский М.А., Котенко А.А., АО «Грасис»,
Кононов А.В., ООО «Газпром добыча Ноябрьск»
Ключевые слова: Установка мембранного выделения гелиевого концентрата (УМВГК), мембранные элементы (МЭ), импортзамещение, результаты работы отечественных мембран в структуре УМВГК
Опыт водоизоляционных работ в скважинах Бованенковского НГКМ
Клименко В.В., Коробов Д.В., ООО «Газпром добыча Надым»,
Титаренко Р.И., Малик В.С., Громадский С.А., ООО «Газпром подземремонт Уренгой»
УДК 622.32/550.8
Ключевые слова: водоизоляционные работы, заколонный переток,
капитальный ремонт скважин, Бованенковское нефтегазоконденсатное месторождение
Оптимизация дебитов газоконденсатных скважин, вскрывающих низкопроницаемые пласты
Ермолаев А.И., Земзюлин Е.В., Трубачева И.А., ФГАОУ ВО «РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина»
УДК 622.276.346
Ключевые слова: газ, газовый конденсат, газоконденсатная залежь, дебит, оптимизация, низкопроницаемые пласты, проницаемость, скважина
Методика раздельного поиска оптимальной стратегии и технологии разработки газовых залежей
Лознюк О.А., ПАО «НК «Роснефть»
УДК 622.248.3
Ключевые слова: газовое месторождение, газовые скважины, темп отбора, варианты разработки, оптимизация разработки, технология разработки
Анализ термобарических режимов работы эксплуатационных скважин Чаяндинского НГКМ
Истомин В.А., Изюмченко Д.В., Крапивин В.Б., Тройникова А.А., Герасимов Ю.А., Долгаев С.И., Федулов Д.М., Квон В.Г., ООО «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ»
Сергеева Д.В., АНОО ВПО «Сколковский институт науки и технологий»
УДК 544.032.3
Ключевые слова: Чаяндинское нефтегазоконденсатное месторождение, газодобывающая скважина, термобарический режим скважины, политропный и изоэнтальпийный процессы, газовые гидраты, гидратообразование в призабойной зоне скважин
С использованием программного комплекса PIPESIM выполнено технологическое моделирование термобарических режимов трех низкодебитных (150–300 тыс. м3/сут) скважин, относящихся к разным (ботуобинскому, хамакинскому и талахскому) продуктивным горизонтам. По проведенным расчетам для таких скважин максимальный рекомендуемый дебит при их длительной эксплуатации не должен превышать 350 тыс. м3/сут. Для сравнения проведено моделирование высокодебитной скважины ботуобинского горизонта, для которой оказалось возможным эксплуатация с дебитом до 750 тыс. м3/сут без существенных рисков технологических осложнений.
Термобарические профили вдоль ствола скважин с достаточной для практики точностью могут быть описаны уравнением политропы. Получены эмпирические зависимости показателя политропы от дебита для скважин с лифтовыми трубами 114 мм и 89 мм. Эти зависимости позволяют оперативно оценивать влияние дебита на термобарические режимы скважин Чаяндинского месторождения.
Разработка установки для утилизации горючих газов
Верисокин А.Е., Прачев Ю.Н, Гунькина Т.А., Институт наук о Земле Северо-Кавказского федерального университета,
Верисокина А.Ю., Ставропольский строительный техникум
УДК 665.63:544
Ключевые слова: факельная установка, горючие газы, утилизация, предохранительное устройство, безопасность, экологичность
Новый этап развития технологий вторичного вскрытия и интенсификации пласта с КПГ «Ураган»
Колесник С.В., Ворона А.А., филиал Тюменского индустриального университета в г. Нижневартовске
УДК 622.276.6
Ключевые слова: комплексный перфоратор-генератор КПГ «Ураган», газодинамический разрыв пласта, генератор давления ГДК-170, вторичное вскрытие пласта, интенсификация пласта
О дальнейшем развитии газодинамических методов исследования газовых пластов и скважин
Люгай А.Д., ООО «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ»
УДК 622.276.6
Ключевые слова: газоконденсатные и нефтегазоконденсатные месторождения, газодинамические методы исследования, газовые пласты, особенности движения газа, гидравлическое сопротивление, фильтрационные коэффициенты, пакерные скважины, математические модели
Выбор рационального разрешения ячейки сетки для поиска наиболее перспективной трассы магистрального трубопровода
Лосев М.В., ООО «Газпром проектирование» Нижегородский филиал
УДК 622.692.4.053
Ключевые слова: размер ячейки сетки, информационная модель,
стоимостная поверхность, перспективная трасса, выбор трассы
Комплексное решение по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту камеры сгорания газотурбинного двигателя ДГ90Л2.1
Калинин И.С., Приводинское ЛПУМГ ООО «Газпром трансгаз Ухта»
УДК 629.7.036.34
Ключевые слова: Малоэмиссионная камера сгорания, жаровые трубы и смесители, окислительно-восстановительные реакции, коксование каналов форсунок, деформация полей температур и давлений газового потока, фронт пламени
Решение проблем газификации удаленных регионов Российской Федерации на примере Сахалинской области
Акопян А.С., Гайворонский А.И., Горбунов М.В., АО «Газпром промгаз»
УДК 622.691.4.054
Ключевые слова: газификация удаленных потребителей, автономное газоснабжение, инвестиционный проект, эффективность инвестиций, регазификация, природный газ и технологии его сжижения, логистические схемы поставок
Пути повышения качества энергоснабжения производственных объектов ПАО «Газпром» в современных условиях
Шаповало А.А., Коноплев Т.Ф., ПАО «Газпром»,
Аверьянов В.К., Толмачев В.Н., АО «Газпром промгаз»,
Атрощенко В.А., ФГБОУ ВО «Кубанский государственный технологический университет»
УДК 621.398
Ключевые слова: инновационное энергетическое оборудование, концепция, производственный объект, системы энергоснабжения, теплосиловой комплекс, цифровые технологии, энергетическое хозяйство, электросетевой комплекс, энергокомплекс, энергопереход
Экологичные каникулы
Бессарабова Е.В., Сивакова М.А., ПАО «Газпром»,
Чернов Н.С., ООО «Газпром трансгаз Ставрополь»
УДК 504:574
Ключевые слова: экология, экологический форум, корпоративные мероприятия
Creating Domestic Gas Separation Membranes for Helium Extraction
from Natural Gas
V.A. Markelov, I.G. Shpigel, Gazprom PJSC
M.A. Gulyansky, A.A. Kotenko, Grasys JSC
A.V. Kononov, Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC
Key words: membrane unit for helium concentrate extraction (MUHCE), membrane elements, import substitution, results of domestic membranes operation within MUHCE
The Membrane unit for helium concentrate extraction was put into operation in 2020 at the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field. The Unit was created to extract redundant over market demand helium from natural gas. Then the extracted helium as a part of the helium concentrate composition will be transported for long-term storage. When creating MUHCE, the absence of Russian membrane elements manufactures became the acute issue, and therefore, a set of studies was carried out to justify the choice of the materials and membranes for the domestic industrial manufacture. Results of the research and testing of membrane elements pilot batches, supplied by Russian companies, indicated that the membrane elements from Grasys JSC fully meet Gazprom’s requirements. Grasys JSC established membrane elements production in Dubna as a partial domestic manufacturing content in 2019, and full domestic manufacture in 2020. Creating domestic membranes ensured independence from imported foreign supplies.
Experience of Wells Waterproofing Works at the Bovanenkovskoye Oil and Gas Condensate Field
V.V. Klimenko, D.V. Korobov, Gazprom dobycha Nadym LLC
R.I. Titarenko, V.S. Malik, S.A. Gromadsky, Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy LLC
Key words: waterproofing works, annular flow, wells workover, Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field
The paper considers several technical solutions employed in the technological processes for wells workover, when performing the annular flow isolation from subjacent water-saturated formations at the Bovanenkovo oil and gas condensate field.
Flow Rate Optimization for Gas Condensate Wells Penetrating
Low Permeability Formations
A.I. Ermolaev, E.V. Zemzyulin, I.A. Trubacheva, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
Key words: gas, gas condensate, gas condensate reservoir, flow rate, optimization, low-permeability formations, permeability, well
The paper studies the optimal distribution of a specified total daily gas extraction among the wells considering the maximum total daily gas condensate production rate, when restrictions on the admissible gas flow rates values are met. The results of the task solution for the wells, penetrating low-permeability formations, prove that the proposed approach enables achieving higher condensate production compared to using the wide-known option of hydrodynamic simulation «Group gas production rate».
The Separate Search Methodology for the Optimal Strategy And Technology
For Developing Gas Reservoirs
O.A. Loznyuk, Rosneft Oil Company PJSC
Key words: gas field, gas wells, recovery rate, development options, development improvement, development technology
The author devised the new method for the separate search of the best strategy and technology for gas deposits development. The method has been tested within case studies of several gas fields at the design stage. The methodology contemplates an application of valid assumptions and simplifications to accelerate the assessment. In particular, the author introduced a classification of the key technological solutions inherent separately in the «strategy» and «technology» of developing a gas deposit. Consistent search for the development «strategy» parameters first, and then for the development «technology», stipulates for a phasing approach, which makes it possible to reduce time for finding the optimal scenario for a gas deposit development. At the same time, the principle of universality is respected, allowing a quick appraisal for small deposits, and a longer search for large deposits.
Analysis of Thermobaric Operation Modes of Production Wells at the Chayandinskoye Oil and Gas Condensate Field
V.A. Istomin, Izyumchenko D.V., V.B. Krapivin, A.A. Troynikova, Yu.A. Gerasimov, S.I. Dolgaev, D.M. Fedulov, Kvon V.G., Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
D.V. Sergeeva, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Key words: Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field, gas production well, thermobaric mode of the well, polytropic and isoenthalpic processes, gas hydrates, hydrate formation in the bottomhole zone of wells
The authors analyze the thermobaric modes of production wells at the Chayandinskoye Oil and gas condensate field, considering the possible modes of their operation at increased flow rates. Also, the classification of operating modes of production wells depending on the average operational flow rate and formation drawdown was carried out.
Using the PIPESIM software package, technological simulation of the thermobaric modes of three low-rate (150-300 thousand m3/day) wells pertaining to different (Botuobinsky, Khamakinsky and Talakhsky) productive intervals was performed. The maximum recommended flow rate for such wells during their long-term operation should not exceed 350 thousand m3/day. For comparison, a simulation of a high-rate well of the Botuobinsky interval was carried out, which may operate at a flow rate of up to 750 thousand m3/day without significant risks of technological complications.
Thermobaric profiles along the wellbore can be described with sufficient accuracy for practice by the polytropic equation. The authors obtained the empirical dependences of the polytropic index on the flow rate for wells with 114 mm and 89 mm tubing. These dependences make it possible to quickly assess the impact of flow rate on the thermobaric conditions of the wells.
Development of a Flaring Gases Utilization Unit
A.E. Verisokin, Yu.N. Prachev, T.A. Gunkina, Institute of Earth Sciences, North Caucasian Federal University
A.Yu. Verisokina, Stavropol Civil Engineering College
Key words: flare system, flaring gases, utilization, safety device, safety, environmental friendliness
The paper analyzes the flare systems operation. The authors carried out a review of the patents for existing flare devices, indicated their drawbacks and designed the improved flare gases utilization unit. The use of this flare system stops the unauthorized gases combustion at the flare by automatically supplying inert gas to the internal cavity of the flare stack.
A New Stage in the Secondary Penetration and Reservoir Stimulation Technologies by means of Integrated Bore-Hammer & Generator «Uragan»
S.V. Kolesnik, A.A. Vorona, Tyumen Industrial University, Nizhnevartovsk branch
Key words: integrated bore-hammer & generator Uragan, gas-dynamic fracturing, pressure generator GDK-170, secondary reservoir penetration, reservoir stimulation
The application of Uragan integrated bore-hammer & generator together with GDK-170 pressure generator makes it possible to penetrate and simulate the productive reservoir by means of single round-trip operation, since both the GDK-170 pressure generator and the Vector perforator are mounted on tubing at its pay out. Thus, the use of such assembly might significantly reduce the round-trip time by cutting the operations’ number. Uragan integrated bore-hammer & generator is a new stage in the secondary penetration and reservoir stimulation technologies.
On the Further Development of Gas-Dynamic Methods for Gas Reservoirs Exploration and Wells Survey
A.D. Lyugai, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC
Key words: gas condensate and oil and gas condensate fields, gas dynamic research methods, gas reservoirs, gas flow features, hydraulic resistance, filtration index, packer wells, mathematical model
The paper presents the research results dedicated to gas flow features in a reservoir-well system for various well designs and improving the relevant mathematical models and gas-dynamic techniques for studying the reservoir-well system in packer wells. The research outcome revealed that for the conditions of packer well operation, the reservoir-well system should be treated as an integral one (indivisible in reservoir and well), which is the key provision for improving the corresponding mathematical models and gas-dynamic methods. The mathematical model updated by the author makes it possible to increase significantly (compared to other models) the simulation reliability of the gas flows in the reservoir-well system, considering conditions of limited initial gas-dynamic information.
Selecting the Rational Grid Cell Resolution to Find the Best Available
Trunkline Route
M.V. Losev, Gazprom Proyektirovaniye LLC, Nizhny Novgorod branch
Key words: grid cell size, information model, cost surface, promising route, route selection
The paper considers the selection of the grid cell resolution for a cost surface in a geographic information system, which is the primary task for finding the most promising trunkline route. The correct choice of a cell size makes it possible to employ efficiently the resources for a route selection on a cost surface model in a geographic information system. The best preferable cell size for the East European Plain conditions was determined as 25 x 25 meters.
The Integrated Solution for the Maintenance and Repair of the Combustion Chamber at DG90L2.1 Gas Turbine Engine
I.S. Kalinin, Privodinskoye Gas Pipeline Operation Center, Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC
Key words: low-emission combustion chamber, flame tubes and mixing units, oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, carbonization of burner nozzle channel, deformation of thermal and pressure fields of the gas flow, flame front
A low reliability of the components of the low-emission combustion chamber of DG90L2.1 gas turbine engine (burner nozzles, swirl nozzles, flame tubes and mixing units) is associated with the non-perfect redox reactions in the combustion chamber. Carbonization of the burner nozzle channels leads to deformation of the thermal and pressure fields of the gas flow. The topical overheating of the flame tubes and mixing units leads to their walls burnout. The approach of the flame front to the nozzles ends contributes to their erosion and subsequently may result in the nozzle cap burnout. The experiments discovered that the most efficient way to clean the nozzles’ internal channels was a long-term power washing with a liquid with addition of Turbotekt TSP-3030 surfactant.
Solutions for the Gasification Problem of Remote Russian Regions (Sakhalin Case)
A.S. Akopyan, A.I. Gaivoronsky, M.V. Gorbunov, Gazprom Promgaz JSC
Key words: remote consumers’ gasification, autonomous gasification, investment project, investment efficiency, natural gas and natural gas liquefaction technologies, supply chain logistics, regasification
The paper presents the results of multivariate pre-project studies aimed at the remote consumers’ gasification in the Sakhalin Region. In particular, the authors have justified the required production capacity of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant, the thermodynamic analysis results of key appropriate liquefying technologies, the available logistics LNG supply schemes, as well as comparative estimates of the economic performance of the options with the probable ultimate price of regasified gas for the consumers.
Ways to Improve the Quality of Power Supply to Gazprom Production Facilities in Present Conditions
A.A. Shapovalo, T.F. Konoplev, Gazprom PJSC
V.K. Averyanov, V.N. Tolmachev, Gazprom Promgaz JSC
V.A. Atroshchenko, Kuban State Technological University
Key words: innovative power equipment, concept, production facility, power supply systems, thermal power generation complex, digital technologies, power engineering equipment, power grid, energy complex, energy transition
The paper discusses ways to improve the quality of electric power supply to Gazprom production facilities in present conditions and the parameters of the power supply systems for the Company production facilities. The paper also indicates the priority tasks for the transition to innovative development of power supply to the production facilities; the tasks are to be solved on the ground of current and future regulatory documents and standards. Also, there are presented the main lines of innovative development and re-equipment of power supply systems, related to the digital energy transition, the intelligent power supply systems based on innovative power equipment, and improving the reliability and quality of power supply. The paper presents the advantages of an integrated approach to the implementation of power supply projects. The authors justified that it was required to set the comprehensive policy of the development paths of energy supply systems and draw up the Development Concept of Power Supply to Gazprom production facilities for the period up to 2030.
Green Holidays
E.V. Bessarabova, M.A. Sivakova, Gazprom PJSC
N.S. Chernov, Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol LLC
Key words: ecology, environmental forum, corporate events
How to spend a school break with maximum benefit for yourself and others? Travel to the Black Sea beach or stay at mineral springs resort? Or, maybe find a private and seclude place to watch favorite TV-show, read a book, take a walk in the park with friends? The members of the first-ever season of Gazprom’s Environmental Camp, which took place in Ekaterinburg on the end of March, know for sure that the holidays are not only for leisure, but for real help to save the Planet, as well.